How to manage and list a bundle
Last updated
Last updated
Bundle is a group of NFT items sold together. For example, a group of NFT(s) is similar to a set of sofa, chair & tea table sold in real life (so bundle could be set of armor, helmet, gauntlet, boot in game).
Some different points between the bundle on Solana and EVM chains:
On - chain
Off - chain
Can't edit bundle
Can edit bundle
Cant' view child items in item tabs
Can view child items in item tabs
Step 1: After signing in or connecting the wallet, click on the Profile icon on the top right corner of the screen. Click on the Profile picture or username to access your Profile page
Step 2: On Profile page, hover over the NFTs that you want to create a bundle. Click on the top right corner of each NFT to select more NFTs.
NFT item must be owned by user
Choose at least 2 NFT items to enable Bundle button
Selected NFT items will display green check icon on the top right corner of the item
Step 3: Click Bundle button after selecting the NFTs
Step 4: Fill in required information on Create Bundle page and click Create
Input bundle name
Input description
Display a List NFTs
Here you can add more NFTs by clicking a + icon
Step 5: Click Confirm on the Review Create Bundle pop-up
You will see a notification Bundle Has Been Created
a. Click Close button to close the pop-up.
b. Click View Bundle button to see bundle details
Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile page by clicking on Profile logo at the top right corner of the screen
Step 2: Click on the Bundle tab and select a specific bundle (Not listed for sale yet)
Step 3: On the Bundle detail screen, click Edit Bundle button
Step 4: Fill in required information and click Update
Add more NFTs by clicking on the + icon to display the existing NFT list to add
Delete the bundle by clicking on the Trash icon
Step 5: Click Confirm the transaction
You will receive a Success notification
Click Confirm button to close a notification.
Step 1: On Dagora, open the Bundle detail page
Step 2: Click Share icon
Step 3: Choose an option to share the bundle, via:
X (Twitter)
or copy item link to put the link of item into clipboard
Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile page by clicking on Profile logo at the top right corner of the screen
Step 2: Click on the Bundle tab and select a specific bundle to open the bundle detail page.
Another way is to hover over the bundle and click the Listing button right on the NFT.
Step 3: On the bundle detail page, click on the Listing button
Step 4: Fill in required information in Listing Bundle page and click on the Listing button
Choose payment type:
Multi-Payment: You can choose one from a listed tokens to pay with
Single Payment: You can only pay with one pre-determined token
Enter price
Choose currency
Choose start time and listing duration
Review information of bundle listing (Payment Type, Market Fee, Royalty Fee, Potential Earnings, Blockchain, Currencies)
Step 5: Click Confirm to complete your listing
You will see a success notification that Your Bundle Has Been Listed
Click Continue Listing, you will be directed to your Profile page to continue listing
Click View Bundle to see bundle detail
Step 1: On Dagora, access your Profile page then click on the bundle that you want to cancel listing from the market. On the bundle detail page, click on the Delisting button
Another way is to hover over the bundle and click the Delisting button right on the NFT.
Step 2: Click Confirm to cancel listing
If you cancel listing successfully, you will see a success notification
a. Click Confirm to agree notification
b. Click View Transaction to see transaction details