How to make offer an NFT
When buying NFT, instead of paying the listed price, you can make an offer at different price (normally lower than listed price) to NFT’s owner.
How to Make Offer
🛠️ Connect wallet | 💵 Cost gas fee
Step 1: On Dagora, click on Explore on the menu bar and select NFTs to see the listed NFTs on the market or select Collections to find the desired one.
Check guide to View Collection and NFT list to find the favourite NFT.
Step 2: Click on the NFT that you want to make offer to open detail page
Step 3: In the NFT detail page, click Make Offer
Step 4: Fill in the required information and click Make Offer button
Enter your offer price
Choose currency
Choose the offer expiration time
Your offer price must be lower than the listed price
Your current balance must be higher than offer price, otherwise error message “Insufficient funds“ will show up
If your offer is accepted, you need to cancel all the remaining offers for that NFT to avoid unexpected issues.
For non-EVM chains, your offered amount will be kept in the smart contract during the offer duration.
Step 5: Review offer and click Confirm to sign the transaction
Note: Sending offer is an on-chain transaction, you need to prepare native tokens of each blockchain to pay for the gas fee
Step 6: View your offer
In the NFT detail page, click on Offers tab
All users can see your offer.
You can place multiple offers at different prices, but each new offer must be higher than the previous one.
You can cancel offer right on this section by clicking on Cancel button next to the offer.
How to Cancel Offer
🛠️ Connect wallet | 💵 Cost gas fee
Step 1: Visit the Dagora website and find the listed NFT that you made an offer previously.
Step 2: In the NFT detail page, click on Offers tab
Step 3: Click Cancel button next to the offer that you want to cancel
Step 4: Confirm the Cancel Offer request.
Adjust Gwei bar. You can increase the Gwei to make the Cancel transaction goes through faster. For Viction network, it will not display gwei bar as it is Zero Gas.
Click Confirm. The offer will be cancelled and a success notification shows up
Last updated