How to transfer NFTs
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Step 1: After signing in or connecting wallet, click on the Profile icon on the top right corner of the screen
Step 2: Click on the Profile picture or username to access your Profile page with NFTs in the connected wallet
Step 3: On Profile page, hover over the NFT that you want to transfer.
Click on the top right corner of each NFT to select one or more NFTs.
You can choose more than one NFT
NFTs that are on listing (selling) can't be chosen
Step 4: Click Transfer button after selecting the NFTs
Step 5: Fill in the recipient address(es), then click Send button
You can choose Multi to transfer multiple NFTs to different wallets simultaneously
Step 6: Review the information and confirm a transfer request
Sending wallet can not send to it own
Sending and receiving wallets must be on the same chain
You need to prepare native tokens of each blockchain to pay for the gas fee
You will receive a notification that the transfer is completed
a. Click Close to close the notification
b. Click My NFTs to view Profile page
c. Click View Transaction to check the Transfer transaction on the blockchain explorer