How to mint an NFT/ How to join Launchpad and Hot Drops

Hot Drops and Launchpad support Creators to introduce their Project/Collection to users, while users can register to join the Launchpad as the early birds of the Collection. After the registration, users will have permission to mint the NFTs with free or cheap fees.

Creators need to contact our Dagora suppport team to create Hot Drops for their project via

The main difference between Launchpad and Hot Drops:

  • Hot Drops: No mint fee. You will only be charged with gas fee (native token) + $1 service fee (native token).

  • Launchpad: Include mint fee. You will be charged with gas fee (native token) + mint fee (payment token required by the Launchpad project)

There are 2 scenarios while joining Launchpad/Hot Drops:

  1. With registration time: Register button will be shown during register period. In order to mint or to claim any NFT from Launchpad/Hot Drops, you must register for Launchpad/Hot Drops first

  2. Without registration time: You do not need to register to join the Launchpad/Hot Drops. You can mint NFT in minting time.

How to Join Launchpad/Hot Drops (with registration time)

In order to mint or to claim any NFT from Launchpad/Hot Drops, you must register for Launchpad/Hot Drops first.

Step 1: Visit the Dagora website and connect your wallet.

Ensure the connected wallet is in the same chain with the Launchpad/Hot Drops.

Step 2: Click New Releases on the top menu bar and choose Launchpad or Hot Drops to see the list of Launchpad/Hot Drops

  • If the Register time has not started yet, you will not be able to join the Launchpad/Hot Drops.

  • During the Register Time period, you are able to click Register button.

Step 3: Join the Launchpad/Hot Drops by clicking on the Register button

Step 4: Click on the Confirm button to confirm the registration on the pop-up

Step 5: You will receive Success notification.

  • Click Close to close notification.

  • Click View Transaction to see transaction details on the blockchain explorer.

After registered successfully, you will see the Registered button and it will start countdown to the minting time.

How to Mint NFT from Launchpad/Hot Drops

Launchpad requirements
Who can mint?

Without registration

Able to mint during mint time

With registration

Able to mint only if has registered

With whitelist

Able to mint if is whitelisted

With whitelist + registration

Able to mint only if whitelisted and registered

Regarding the Fee:

  • Hot Drops: No mint fee. You will only be charged with gas fee (native token) + $1 service fee (native token).

  • Launchpad: Include mint fee. You will be charged with gas fee (native token) + mint fee (payment token required by the Launchpad project)

Step 1: Visit the Dagora website and connect your wallet. Your wallet must:

  • In the same chain with the Launchpad/ Hot Drops.

  • Has sufficient fee to mint

  • In whitelist (if required) or joined/registered for the Launchpad/Hot Drops (if required)

Step 2: Choose the number of NFT you want to mint and click on Mint button

Step 3: Select Payment method and click Continue/Checkout to make payment

You can select Crypto/ Card/ Apple Pay/ Google Pay

  • Crypto: tokens in your connected wallet

  • Card: debit/ credit card

  • Apple Pay: apply only when user login safari and have connected Apply Pay already

  • Google Pay: apply for Google Pay

Note: At this step, you can change the receiving wallet address by clicking on the Pen icon under the Continue button.

You can enter either a wallet address or OneID which is already linked to a wallet. If you do not want to change, the default receiving wallet is the connected wallet on your profile.

Step 4: Complete the payment

4.1. Pay by Cryptocurrencies

Review the information and click Confirm to sign the on-chain transactions

Note: You need to prepare native tokens of each blockchain to pay for the gas fee

Once it is completed, you will receive a Mint Successfully notification

  • Click Close to close the page

  • Click My NFTs to check your assets

  • Click View Transaction to check the transaction on blockchain explorer

4.2. Pay by card

a. Reconfirm receiving wallet and payment method in Crossmint pop-up. Then, click on Continue to payment to proceed

b. Input card information then click Pay to proceed

Note: A service fee, with minimum of $0.5 per transaction and depending on the mint price, is charged by the service provider Crossmint for paying by card.

c. After paying for NFT, you will receive the email from Crossmint confirming your order detail and your NFT will be transferred to your wallet.

How to Claim NFT from Launchpad/Hot Drops

There are 2 scenarios while minting Launchpad/Hot Drops:

  1. No NFT lock: You can receive NFT right after minting.

  2. Lock NFT: You can mint NFT, but the NFT will be held until the Unlock NFT Time overs. Once this lock time ends, user must Claim this NFT

This guide is for user who has already minted Lock NFT

Step 1: Go to Dagora and connect wallet. Your wallet must

  • In the same chain with the Launchpad/Hot Drops.

  • Has sufficient fee to claim

  • Have minted lock NFT in Mint time

Step 2: Wait for the claimable time

Step 3: Click on Claim button to get the NFT

Step 4: Confirm the transaction

  1. Review Claim NFT transaction information

  2. Click Confirm button to claim the NFT.

Step 5: You will receive You Receive notification.

  • Click Close to close notification.

  • Click My Profile to access profile section.

  • Click View Transaction to see transaction details on the blockchain explorer.

Last updated