How to Create NFT
Dagora supports users to create/mint NFTs. The created/minted NFTs in Dagora shall belong to the Mint By Users Collection or the project’s collection which is owned by the minter.
How to create an NFT
🛠️ Connect wallet | 💵 Cost gas fee
For now, the created NFTs by users on Dagora will belong to the "Mint By Users” collection.
Step 1: Click the + button on the top right corner of the screen

Step 2: Fill up the NFTs information
NFT files (Support: Image, Video, Audio, or 3D Mode with max size 15MB)
Name (noneditable) with max 32 characters and NFT Description with 250 characters.
Blockchain: The blockchain in your wallet must match the blockchain you choose

Enter Properties by clicking on the + button (optional)

For example:
Type: Hair; Name: Black
Type: Eye; Name: Blue
Step 3: Preview NFT information and click Create button
Step 4: Review the information & Confirm the transaction on-chain
Step 5: Receive a Successful notification
Click Close to close popup notification
Click View NFT to view NFT details
Click View Transaction to check the transaction on blockchain explorer
Last updated