Listing Bundle

Bundle is group of NFT items that is sold together. For example, a group of NFT(s) is similar to a set of sofa, chair & tea table sold in real life (so bundle could be set of armor, helmet, gauntlet, boot in game).

How to List Bundle

Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile by clicking on profile logo

Step 2: In profile space -> select Bundle tab

Step 3: Click Listing right in the bundle tab or open the detail page of the bundle and click Listing

Step 4: Fill in required information in Listing Bundle page

  1. Choose payment type:

  • Multi-Payment: Buyer can choose one from a list tokens to pay with

  • Single Payment: Buyer can only pay with one pre-determined token

  1. Enter price

  2. Choose currency

  3. Choose start time and listing duration

  4. Review information of bundle listing(Payment type, Market fee, Royalty fee, Potential Earning, Currencies)

  5. Once all required information is filled in, Listing button will be enabled-> Click on it and confirmation page shows up

Step 4: Complete your listing

  1. Steps to confirm to complete bundle listing (If user has approved item for sell (show a yellow check icon), then there is no charge for gas and vice versa)

  2. Click Confirm. The bundle will be listed and a success notification shows up

  • Click Continue Listing → You will be directed to your Profile page to continue listing

  • Click View Bundle to see bundle detail

How to Cancel Listing Bundle

Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile by clicking on profile logo

Step 2: In profile space -> select Bundle tab -> Click on the bundle that you want to delist

Step 3: In details page of the listed bundle -> click Delist

Step 4: Cancel Listing confirmation and adjust Gwei (For EVM only).

  1. Adjust Gwei bar. You can increase the Gwei to make transaction goes through faster.

  2. Click Confirm. The Bundle will be delist and a success notification shows up

+ Click Confirm button to close the notification

+ Click View Transaction to check the cancel transaction on blockchain explorer

Last updated