Create - Edit - Delete Bundle

Bundle is a group of NFT items sold together. For example, a group of NFT(s) is similar to a set of sofa, chair & tea table sold in real life (so bundle could be set of armor, helmet, gauntlet, boot in game).

Some different points between the bundle on Solana and EVM chains:



On - chain

Off - chain

Can't edit bundle

Can edit bundle

Cant' view child items in item tabs

Can view child items in item tabs

How to Create Bundle

Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile by clicking on profile logo


  • NFT item must be owned by user

  • Choose at least 2 NFT items to enable Bundle button

  • Selected NFT items will display yellow check icon on the top right corner of the item.

Step 3: Click Bundle button -> Display Create Bundle screen

Step 4: Fill in required information on Create Bundle page

  1. Input Bundle name (obligatory)

  2. Input description (obligatory)

  3. Display a List NFTs

Here you can add more NFTs or remove a NFT from the bundle.

Step 5: After completing the creation form, the Create button will be enabled.

Click Create button to open Review Create Bundle pop-up

Step 6: Bundle creation confirmation

Click Confirm button -> Bundle is successfully created -> You will see a notification "Bundle Has Been Created".

a. Click Close button -> to close pop-up.

b. Click View Bundle button -> Display Bundle details in user profile space.

How to Edit Bundle

Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile by clicking on profile logo;

Step 2: In profile space -> Bundle tab -> Display list of bundles;

Step 3: Select a specific bundle (Not listed for sale yet) -> In detail screen, click Edit Bundle button;

Step 4: Fill in required information:

  1. Bundle Name

  2. Description

  3. Display a List NFTs

Here, you can add more NFTs or remove a NFT from the bundle.

Step 5: Click Update Bundle button -> Display a confirmation pop-up

Click Confirm button -> Display a "Success" notification.

Click Confirm button to close a notification.

How to Delete Bundle

Step 1: On Dagora, access Profile by clicking on profile logo;

Step 2: In profile space -> Bundle tab -> Display list of bundles;

Step 3: Select a specific bundle (Not listed for sale yet) -> In detail screen, click Edit Bundle button;

Step 4: On the Edit bundle screen -> Click a trash can icon at the top right corner to detele bundle;

Step 5: Click Confirm button to remove the bundle.

How to View and Share Bundle

Step 1: Go to Dagora (wallet connected is not required) -> Click Explore Now at the banner or in the menu bar choose Explore -> NFTs

Dagora will display NFTs list -> On left hand side, user selects Bundle type or choose more expected criteria: Chains, Currencies, Price Range, Categories, Collections -> Dagora should display bundles that meet all selected criteria.

Step 2: Select a specific bundle and go to details screen of a bundle -> Click Share icon

Step 3: Choose an option to share the bundle, via:

  • Telegram

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • or copy item link to put the link of item into clipboard

Last updated